How to Get "Tech-Ready"
Internet Access Resources
Spectrum - call 1-855-243-8892
Low-Cost Computer Resources
General Recommendations
Windows: a computer with a Windows 10 or newer operating system (OS)
Mac: macOS 13 Ventura, macOS 14 Sonoma, macOS 15 Sequoia
Apple ipadOS - version 17 or 18
Access to the Internet and a current web browser (see below)
Access to Word processing software that has spell and grammar check (e.g. Microsoft Word or your PCC Google Docs account)
Anti-virus software (e.g., Norton, McAfee or Microsoft Essentials)
Browser Recommendations
Please make sure that your browser has JavaScript and Cookies enabled and, for desktop systems, that you have Adobe Flash Player 10.1 or greater installed.
Desktop Browsers
Firefox – current version
Chrome – current version
Edge - current version
Tablet or Mobile Support
Android 12, Android Browser – current version
Apple iOS 17 or 18, Safari Browser – current version
Apple ipadOS - version 17 or 18
Places to Access the Internet
If you do not have Internet access at home,
the open-access computer labs on all of PCC's campuses and centers have computers with Internet access
many local libraries also have computers with similar access
ask your friends and neighbors if you may borrow a computer for the semester
create an internet hot-spot using your smartphone to connect your laptop
How do I Learn to Use New Technology and/or Software?
The first steps in learning how to use new technology and/or software that may be required in your online and virtual classes is to identify what it does for you in the class and where to go for help. Add extra time to your schedule to review the tutorials. Listed below are a few that are often used in our online classes.
Document Access & Creation Software
Google Suite (Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, & Google Drive)
Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - you can download it for FREE - click "sign in" and use your Pima credentials
Virtual meeting or appointment options
Virtual Classroom (Bongo) - in your D2L class
Google Meet or visit the Video Call Guidelines Document
FREE Video Creation Software
D2L Brightspace Pulse App
An app you can download that will notify you of announcements posted in your D2L class or when grades have been entered.
Brightspace Pulse App (iphone and android)
Plagiarism detection software
Accessibility Software
PCC Access Technology available from ADR (Access & Disability Services)
Otter - transcribe conversations