Course Homepage
What is the Course Homepage? Where Can I View Announcements?
Each course you enroll in will have a "Course Home" landing page titled by its CRN and course name. Most course homepages will include the following essential resources:
Widgets Widgets are boxes of information listed on the course homepage and also on the global homepage (the homepage you access when you first login to D2L). Examples of course homepage widgets include: Announcements, D2L 24/7 Support, Tutoring Services, Work to Do, Google App Workspace, and Meet Your Instructor.
Navbar This is the toolbar for navigation in D2L Brightspace. This includes a variety of standard navigation items detailed in the video below that allow you to adjust your profile and set notifications (alerts) so that you can receive emails when new announcements or grades are posted by your instructor. All classes at Pima Community College include the following five menu items in the navbar: Content, Syllabus, Grades, Calendar, Tools, Student Resources, and Help.
Course Announcements These include the most recent announcements and access to "Show All Announcements" at the bottom. Make sure to view all course announcements whenever you visit your online class.
Calendar In the Navbar, the Calendar shows upcoming course events and activities. You can also integrate your D2L calendar with your school Gmail calendar to have an easy, accessible view of course events and activities on a calendar you may already use. If you integrate calendars, you can then change settings on your school Gmail calendar to receive notifications within a set amount of days or hours of an event or activity.
Watch each video below to learn more...
The Navbar
Overviews common elements on your course homepage like the "Navbar," announcements and calendar items.
Enable Notifications
Control how you receive notifications about class activity.
Update your profile.
Receive instant notifications about postings through email or text.
Choose which courses you want to receive notifications.
Click on your name, in the top right corner, once you are in D2L and select "Notifications".
Customize Your Account Settings
Click your personal menu and adjust your account settings to: 1) change the email address you use to receive notifications; 2) adjust the system font size; and, 3) modify dialog settings for pop-ups.
Adjust Your Profile
Click on your name, in the top right corner, and select your profile to: 1) add a picture or avatar so that your peers and instructor can see you ; 2) include a nickname; or, 3) share other links or interests you'd like to share for social networking.
Your class homepage has a box titled "Announcements". Check them at least twice a week to see what your instructor has added.
The main login page for D2L, known as the global homepage, also has a box titled "Announcements". These are announcements shared by the college to inform you of upcoming events, resources, and important information.
Integrating Your D2L Calendar with your PCC Gmail Calendar
If you like to use a digital calendar to manage your time, the D2L/Gmail Calendar integration is a great option. Watch this video to learn how. Please also ensure your course does not have any other activities or events that may not be listed on the D2L calendar. You can reach out to your instructor for more information.