Get Started

Get Started with your Online Learning

All students taking an online class are strongly encouraged to take our free, non-credit orientation to online learning.  Once you register for a PCC class, you will gain access to the orientation in D2L. 

If you are not yet registered and would like see a quick tutorial of D2L, please visit the "Navigate Your Classes Homepage" section below.

Navigate Your Classes

This short video tutorial will show you the class homepage and how to navigate the different icons and resources.

If you don't know how to access your classes in D2L, watch this short, three minute video. 

Are you an app user? If so, the Brightspace Pulse App is for you! 

It's available in both Google and Apple app stores. This app is designed to help you organize and maximize productivity for people on-the-go. You can check your grades, review content and the class calendar, and receive updated notifications and announcements.

Control how you receive notifications about class activity.

Click on your name once you are in D2L and select "Notifications".

Learn how to view and review your class content through the Content tab.

This is where you can access the syllabus, schedule of work, textbook information, and other content for the class. It's highly recommended to begin reviewing the Content tab on the first day of class.

Your class may give you access to your D2L calendar.  You can find the Calendar Widget on the class homepage. Watch the short tutorial to learn about the calendar tool and how you can view upcoming assigned class activities.

The Classlist is a super easy way to connect with your instructor and your classmates. This tool provides a way for you to select those in the class that you want to email and let's you send an email from within D2L!   


Your class homepage has a box titled "Announcements". Check them at least twice a week to see what your instructor has added.  

The main login page for D2L also known as the global homepage has a box titled "Announcements". These are announcements shared by the college and inform you of upcoming events, resources, and important information. 

Announcements Widget within Course Home Page
Announcements is within the Course Homepage