
Calendar Tab

Within the "Calendar" tab in the course, Pima's D2L Brightspace layout includes a Calendar that displays the course information you currently accessed it from but also will show other courses that are currently active.  If your instructor includes visible dates for the course activities, then you can view the start date, due date, and end dates. 

Visit the Managing Calendar in D2L page for more details with screenshots.

TIP: You always want to check the Syllabus and Schedule of Work to confirm that all activities are showing in the Calendar Tab.

Course Schedule in the Content Tab

Within the "Content" tab in the course, Pima's D2L Brightspace layout includes a "Course Schedule" option.  If your instructor includes visible dates for the course activities, then you can view the "overdue", "upcoming", and "full schedule."

TIP: You always want to check the Syllabus and Schedule of Work to confirm that all activities are showing in the Course Schedule.

Learn How To Manage Your Calendar

FAQs on the "Course Schedule" and "Calendar" tools within D2L Brightspace 

Do all instructors have dates for their activities within D2L?

No.  While many instructors choose to manually add dates, some do not.  It is not uncommon for instructors to simply include due dates in their syllabus and/or "schedule of work" and expect students to be attentive to these dates.  Make sure to review the course syllabus which may also include guidance as to whether or not a student can expect the "Course Schedule" in D2L Brightspace to include a full listing of course deadlines. 

Warning: Again, not all instructors use the Calendar to display course deadlines! Please do not rely solely on the Calendar or Course Schedule for deadline notifications. Check the deadlines and dates listed in your course's materials, and review all posted announcements or emails from the instructor to keep aware of all of the deadlines.

Is D2L's "Course Schedule" different from D2L's "Calendar"?  Do these differ from my syllabus materials or a "Schedule of Work" page within the course content?

While these kinds of resources or tools show any events or dates that the instructor has chosen to make visible (i.e. "Display in Calendar"), each have different features.

Should there be a Calendar widget visible on my homepage?

Not necessarily.  The instructor may or may not chose to add a Calendar widget to the course's homepage.   If added, the class events will automatically display in the Calendar for every course a student is enrolled in.  A student can adjust how this displays within the Calendar settings.