How can I Prepare for Online or Virtual Learning?

You may be a student that never intended to take a PCC online or virtual class or you may have tried a fully online class and learned that it wasn’t the best modality for you to learn in. We are here to help you!

Preparing and reaching out for help when you get stuck is the best approach to setting yourself up for success.  A positive outlook can help you face obstacles with an open mind and can spark creativity in how you can achieve your goals. 

 To prepare, make sure you:

TIP - KEEP TAKING NOTES.  Even if you have the content available to you in written format, taking notes in your own words helps engage your brain.  

“I’m Nervous About Taking Online or Virtual Classes”

As you start to learn more about online and virtualized learning, you may feel nervous or anxious or confused.  It's understandable that you would have these feelings and we would like to share some resources with you to help you through this process.  Before you review the resources below, reflect on what type of student you are and the strengths you already have that can make it easier for you. 

Keep a growth mindset, knowing that you’ve overcome challenges in the past that have made you stronger and smarter and that you CAN learn how to do something new by practicing and putting in the extra time!  If you’d like to learn more about a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset, you can visit:

 Learn more about online learning!  We have several brief (FREE) virtual workshops that can help you understand what online learning 

You can also reach out to your support team!  We hope you have people close to you that you can talk to or have built strong relationships within support services here at the college.  This could be your instructor, counselor, advisor, librarian, coach or other students.