How to Complete a Video Assignment
Student Instructions
This page includes our quick walk-through on how to complete a video assignment. Please note that each update of Bongo's "Video Assignment" tool may include new options or interfaces. For a more detailed, up-to-date tutorial with advanced features, see Bongo's Zendesk tutorials which address topics like:
A. Select Content
Inside your course, select the Tools Tab in the navbar.
B. Click on Your Video Assignment
Select Video Assignments from the Tools tab. Video Assignments will appear within the tab. Click on the hyperlink to select the Video Assignment you would like to work on.
C. Review the Video Assignment Window
There are several sections in the video assignment window:
Time Remaining box. At the top you will see how much time you have left to submit your assignment. DO NOT wait to the last minute to start your assignment. Videos need time for processing (up to one hour).
The Instructions box will outline the requirements for your assignment. Your instructor may have more detailed instructions inside the module.
The Work in Progress box shows you videos you have already created that are processing, ready to edit, or needing to be marked ready to submit.
The Ready to Submit box will show videos that have been processed and marked ready. You will submit a video from this box as your assignment.
D. Peer Review (if required)
If your instructor asks you to review your classmates videos (aka Peer Review) they will show below your Ready to Submit videos in the Peer Review box. Here you can watch and comment on your classmates submissions. Peer reviews may be set up in two different ways: You may be automatically assigned a video to review or you may be allowed to select your own classmate’s video to review. In either case, you should select and watch the videos in the Peer Review box.
E. Creating a New Video
To create a video submission, follow the steps below
Click the ‘plus sign’ icon in the bottom right corner.
2. Choose to record a new video, or select one you have already created, and saved to your computer. To start a new video, select Record Video and Webcam. If your instructor asks you to record your screen in order to share your work (e.g. a presentation), make sure to select "Desktop" as well.
3. Your computer may ask permission to use your microphone and camera - be sure to say yes.
4. The recorder may ask you to make a sound "to check your mic."
Note: this is not recording your video. Make a sound and the Record button will pop onto the screen.
5. Click Record and complete your assignment.
6. When finished, click Stop.
7. Choose to save your video for processing. (You may also choose to download your video to your computer, or delete it.)
8. Your finished video will show in the "Work in Progress" section.
Videos can take some time to process (even up to an hour, be patient). Your video will show an hourglass icon while it's processing.
Don't wait to the last minute to start your video. You cannot mark a video ready to submit until it has finished processing.
9. You can choose to edit your video or combine videos by clicking the "More" icon (three little dots to the right of your video).
10. Very Important: Once your video has processed you need to mark it as ready to submit.
You cannot submit your assignment until you complete this step.
Press the More icon (three dots on the right) to open a menu of options and select "Mark as Ready."
F. Upload a Previously Recorded Video
If you choose to create your video in another program, or on another device like your phone, you can upload it to the Video Assignments tool. To do so, follow steps 1 and 2 below:
Select the video from your computer or device by selecting Click Here or Drop File, or choose from Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.
Click Begin Upload. Your video will appear in the ‘Work in Progress’ box. Be sure to choose the Mark as Ready option so you can submit it.
G. Submit Your Video
When your video has been marked as ready to submit (see instructions above) it will show in the Ready to Submit box. Select your video and press Submit Assignment.
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