Submit Assignments
Assignments enables you to submit assignments for your class(es) through D2L. Simply upload your assignment to the appropriate folder. Make sure you review the directions for each activity before you submit. Below are directions for submitting Assignments and confirming a submission.
Screenshots from D2L for Uploading Assignments in D2L
View the assignment details by clicking on the assignment name.
Click on the Assignment. This will open the directions and the area where you can upload your work. It also provides an area where you can make a comment to your instructor.
Submit your work by uploading it in the “Add a File” Button. The comment box is not where you enter the assignment content. It can be used if you want to make a comment to your instructor about the assignment. You can also select Record Audio to add feedback. When you finish a recording, click Add. Click Submit.
If the assignment is requiring Turnitin, the file you submitted is pre-validated at the time you submit to ensure it is within the Turnitin file type and size requirements. You do not need to do anything extra!
If GradeMark or the OriginalityCheck has been turned on, you can view your Submission ID within your Submission History page.
If your instructor enabled e-rater ® Grammar feedback to view grammar feedback, on the Submission History page, click the View e-rater® grammar feedback link in the Inline Feedback column.
If your assignment allows multiple submissions, you can incorporate any grammar feedback and resubmit your assignment.
TIP: First save the document to your computer and then upload. We recommend saving as a PDF or Microsoft Word document before uploading to keep the formatting correct. Each assignment should list a due date.
Assignment FAQ's
Why are there no assignments available to submit?
If there are no assignments available to submit to, the instructor has added a start date that has not yet happened and/or an end date that has passed.
Check the due date of the assignment you want to submit. If the assignment is not due yet, check back closer to the due date. Alternatively, if the assignment is late, contact your instructor with any further inquiries relating to late submissions. If you believe that you should have access to the assignment, contact your instructor or reach out to 24/7 D2L Support.
How do I delete an Assignments submission?
Once a file has been successfully submitted, you can’t delete it. However, if you have the ability to make another submission, re-submit the file and make sure to also contact your instructor and let them know that you are re-submitting a file to the assignment.
If you don’t have the ability to make another submission, contact your instructor and let them know that you would like to re-submit a file to the assignment.
How do I confirm that a submission was made to an assignment?
To confirm that a submission was made:
Go back to the Assignments area within the Tools Tab.
If you see that 1 submission has been made, and you can select the submission and see the file, then the file has been submitted successfully.
Tip: You can also check your PCC email to see if you received a submission receipt.
Why am I getting an "Error: Not Authorized" message when trying to access an assignment from the Assignment area?
The reason you are getting an “Error: Not Authorized” message when trying to access an assignment is because the link to the assignment is available in the Content tool module area but the assignment has been closed. Contact your instructor for further help with accessing this assignment.
Why am I getting an "Error: Not Authorized" message when trying to access an assignment from the Content area?
Access the Assignments area of your course and check if the assignment is visible or if it has date restrictions in place. If date restrictions are listed, you will only have access between the start date and the end date that appears. If the assignment is not visible at all in the Assignments area, it may have been hidden or it does not exist. If this is the case, contact your instructor for clarification on where they would like you to upload your completed assignments.
The upload window is blank, what do I do?
This occurs when using Google Chrome and can be resolved by clearing the cache in the browser.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
Ensure that Obliterate the following items from: the beginning of time is selected.
Check the Cached images and files and Cookies and other site and plug-in data check boxes.
If you are still unable to view the upload window, try using a different browser such as Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.
My file will not finish uploading, what should I do?
If your file will not successfully upload, your file may be too large to upload.
Try the following:
If you are using Wi-Fi, use a wired internet connection.
Use an internet connection with a faster upload speed.
Break up your document into smaller files and upload them individually.
Compress the file.